Fact Checks

False: The image doesn’t show recent dead bodies of Amhara civilians killed by the government

On May 26, 2022, a picture tweet appeared on a Twitter page with the description phrase, “Dead bodies of Amhara civilians in Gojjam. These victims were killed by the government forces.”

At the time this article was published, the tweet was shared 40 times and got 47 reactions.

However, HaqCheck interrogated the image and confirmed that the image doesn’t show dead bodies of Amhara civilians in Gojam killed by the Government recently.

Tensions between the Fano militia and the federal government has been rising in the Amhara region over the past few months. Last week, tensions came to a head and several rounds of clashes were reported as regional special forces attempted to arrest or disarm Fano militia leaders. 

A crackdown on Amhara ethno-nationalist actors, including members of the seat-holding National Movement of the Amhara (NaMA) party, journalists, and individuals throughout Amhara region is reported to signify a new rift in the relationship between Amhara ethno-nationalists and the Amhara Prosperity Party.

From the federal government’s perspective, Fano militias operate outside of the federal government’s command structure and are thus a threat to the safety and security of Ethiopia.

Violence began last week shortly after Amhara regional authorities issued a decree requesting that all weapons be registered by the end of the week. According to the regional government, a “law enforcement operation” was necessary for the Amhara region given a recent spate of smuggling incidents, shootings, and interference with court decisions.

As part of the operation, over 4,500 people have been arrested. The regional government reaffirmed that this operation is not against Fano militias but against “criminals” who operate under the Fano name. However, for many in the region, the language of the decree and the following government’s actions were understood as a crackdown on Amhara ethno-nationalist interests and actors.

Last week, on 19 May, members of Fano and government forces clashed in Mota in East Gojam zone of the Amhara region after government forces entered the area and attempted to disarm the group’s members. At least two people were killed and 15 others were injured.

The tweet is published taking advantage of this situation and HaqCheck found that the image used in the post is from a report published on a website in 2015 titled “Ethnic Based Massacre & Genocide Of Ethiopia (2003 – 2018)”

Therefore, HaqCheck confirmed that the image used to support the claim is old and does not relate to the claim to represent the recent news reported by the post, and rated it FALSE.

Altered: The image doesn’t show a recent mass revolt in Tigray

A Twitter account with more than 1100 followers shared a post on May 24, 2022, captioned, “In Tigray, there has been civil unrest, the people of Tigray are saying, ‘May Abiy Ahmed lead us’.” In the picture are depicted rallying people holding different slogan signs having an overlay text that read “May Abiy Ahmed lead us”, “Getachew Reda is criminal”, “TPLF is a thief” along with other two arbitrarily placed texts over the images.

By the time this article was published the post had more than 80 reactions and was retweeted more than 30 times.

However, HaqCheck has examined the image and rendered it Altered.

The prolonged war between the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and the federal government and its allied forces has remained unsolved.

TPLF has been stating that if the diplomatic means to end the war fail, it will resort to other means indicating that it will seek military solutions. TPLF has been accusing the federal government and regional authorities of blocking aid from entering Tigray and has complained the aid that has recently reached was below that need.

On May 20, TPLF announced in its press release that “The Government of Tigray, consistent with its principled preference for the peaceful resolution of political differences, had agreed to undertake even unilateral confidence-building measures. Accordingly, per the promise we made to chief Obasanjo, we have decided to release 4208 prisoners of war. Of those to be released 401 are women,” reads the statement.

On Jan 13, 2022, Field Martial Birhanu Jula of the Ethiopian Defense Forces said in an interview, “Tigray people don’t have to die for the sake of TPLF anymore, thousands of lives are lost. People of Tigray have to say no to TPLF.”

In a close inspection of the images, HaqCheck found out that the two images on a Facebook post are from DW Amharic’s page on Oct 2, 2018, which reads, “University students and their families who claim to feel insecure held demonstrations in Mekele today. Speaking of their fear of attending their classes in areas where there is a security concern, they appealed to the government to come up with a possible solution. On the rally signs having the messages, ‘I’m concerned about the life of Tigrayans’, ‘we don’t send our children to an insecure place’, ‘students shouldn’t pay sacrifices in vain’, ‘may regional and federal governments give us solutions’ were displayed”

Image one 

Image two

The third image was found on borkena.com in a news article on June 27, 2018, titled, “Fresh ethnic-based violence in Asossa left at least eight people dead.”

The news stated, citing social media reports that “ ethnic Berta youth, who consider themselves to be “locals” as they tend to see everyone else as aliens, organized themselves to launch an attack on businesses owned by ethnic Amhara and Oromo. And in what seems to be an effort to defend themselves, ethnic Amhara tried to respond to the attack but it is not clear if there are victims from the ethnic Berta community.”

Image three

Even though the first two images show a protest in Tigray, the Doctored images used to support the claim are learned to be False. Besides, the second picture is known to be not from Tigray,
Therefore HaqCheck has inspected the images and rendered them Altered.

May week four: disinformation trend summary

A photoshop claiming to be news by EBC

An image circulating on social media claiming to show a screenshot of a news report by the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC) caught our attention last week. 

The image shows a picture of Shimels Abdisa, President of the Oromia Regional State, giving a speech. The Amharic caption on the image reads “The law enforcement we started In the Amhara region is successfully continuing.”

However, HaqCheck analyzed the image and confirmed that it was altered. According to the media monitoring result, the news in the image, which has been circulating since May 23, has not been published by EBC. Instead, it has been manipulated and disseminated on social media.

Moreover, HaqCheck noted that the picture of Shimelis Abdisa is not recent and was shared in his statement during Eid al-Fitr last year in 2021. 

An image claiming to show a recent rally in Tigray 

A Twitter account with more than 1100 followers shared a post on May 24, 2022, captioned, “In Tigray, there has been a civil unrest, and the people of Tigray are saying, ‘May abiy Ahmed lead us’”.

By the time this article was published the post had more than 80 reactions and was retweeted more than 30 times.

HaqCheck found the two images on a previous Facebook post from DW Amharic on Oct 2, 2018, captioned, “university students and their families protested in the streets of Mekelle, Tigray. We will not send our students to unsafe places, our students should not make a meaningless sacrifice, states and the federal government should solve this issue,” were some of the writings printed on the posters held in the protest. 

The third image was found on borkena.com in an article on June 27, 2018, titled, “Fresh ethnic-based violence in Asossa left at least eight people dead.”

A tweet claiming to show Eritrean security officials recently revealed Ethio 360 and Ethio Forum agreed to work together

A viral tweet appeared on May 25, 2022, claiming that Eritrean security officials recently revealed that Ethio 360 and Ethio Forum discussed online with senior TPLF leaders and agreed to work together. The tweet implicitly accused the media outlets of echoing ‘TPLF’s agenda’.

It presented a screenshot of a text written in Tigrinya in a bid to support the claim.

However, HaqCheck looked into the case and confirmed the screenshot doesn’t confirm that Eritrean security officials claimed to reveal the three mentioned entities recently discussed and agreed to work together.

HaqCheck checked the screenshot to examine whether it proves the claim. However, the screenshot was taken from a Facebook post made on May 23, 2022. The Facebook post was made by a page named ‘Center for research and Documentation’ which claimed to be a news and media website. The page claimed that it got the information that there was an online discussion in which TPLF senior leaders, Ethio Forum, Ethio 360, and members of Digital Weyane participated from its exclusive sources.

Thus, HaqCheck rated the tweet FALSE because the screenshot doesn’t prove the claim that Eritrean security officials revealed there was a discussion among the mentioned parties.

A scam in the name of the US Embassy in Addis Ababa

A Telegram channel by the name of “US Embassy Addis Ababa” with more than 127,000 subscribers posted a job vacancy claiming to be posted by the embassy. The message reads “The US Embassy has created 20,000 jobs in the United States to support the war-torn Ethiopian economy and to strengthen the centuries-old US-Ethiopian friendship. The benefit of this opportunity will include the coverage of cost of transportation, and housing by the embassy.”  

The message later requests to fill in personal information such as name, phone number, Address, and others. 

However, The US Embassy in Ethiopia posted a statement on its official Facebook page on May 26 saying that “there are fake posts about employment and visa opportunities in the United States on various social media platforms.  All legitimate employment opportunities at the U.S. Embassy are posted on our website…” The statement also adds, “The U.S. government will not request personal information via email, Facebook messenger, Telegram, or other social media platforms.  Please do not fall victim to scams.”


We recommend social media users be cautious and cross-check information including the authenticity and source. As photoshops, false screenshots, and other new cunning trends are being observed lately they have to look for additional information and credible accounts. 

Scams such as the one mentioned in this summary are being circulated widely. And users should be careful from giving their personal information to unverified sources and should take a moment to check the legitimacy of the source.

HaqCheck urges social media content creators to refrain from fabricating and circulating false information. They should feel responsible and share verified and factual information with their audiences.

Since an open access to information is one of the solutions to tackle disinformation we urge the government and all stakeholders to ensure full and unlimited access to information. The public and media should enjoy full access to information. Besides, the government should give timely and sufficient updates on ongoing and controversial issues.

False: the screenshot doesn’t show Eritrean security officials exposed Ethio 360, Ethio Forum’s conspiracy with TPLF

A viral tweet appeared on May 25, 2022, claiming that Eritrean security officials recently exposed that Ethio 360 and Ethio Forum discussed online with senior TPLF leaders and agreed to work together. The tweet implicitly accused the media outlets of echoing ‘TPLF’s agenda’.

It presented a screenshot of a text written in Tigrinya in a bid to support the claim.

However, HaqCheck looked into the case and confirmed the screenshot doesn’t show that Eritrean security officials claimed to reveal the three mentioned entities recently discussed and agreed to work together.

There has been an armed conflict between the federal government along with Ethiopian allied forces and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front/TPLF since November 2020. A few months ago, a humanitarian truce was declared by the Ethiopian government and instantly adopted by the TPLF.

The federal government and the Amhara regional administration recently started a military campaign named ‘law enforcement operation’ to disarm armed groups and criminal gangs.

Meanwhile, the Ethio 360 and Ethio Forum online media remained critical of the Ethiopian government and the ruling Prosperity Party, especially following the war in Tigray.

The National Movement of Amhara in its recent statement issued on May 24, 2022, criticized the Ethio 360 media for working with TPLF to destabilize the Amhara Regional State.

There has also been a claim and accusation that Ethio Forum is affiliated with TPLF. There was recently an allegation that Ethio Forum received 1.8 million Birr in funds from TPLF.

The tweet emerged in this background claiming that Eritrean security officials exposed there was a recent online discussion organized by the TPLF in which the Ethio 360, Ethio Forum, and members of the ‘Digital Weyane’ took part. The claim stated that the Ethio Forum and Ethio 360 received a new agenda from the TPLF with a mission of fuelling conflict and instability in the country.

HaqCheck checked the screenshot to examine whether it proves the claim. The screenshot was taken from a Facebook post made on May 23, 2022. The Facebook post was made by a page named ‘Center for Research and Documentation’, a social media portal for a news and media website. The page claimed that it got the information from its exclusive sources that there was an online discussion in which TPLF senior leaders, Ethio Forum, Ethio 360, and members of digital Weyane participated.

The page wrote that it obtained the information from its exclusive sources, not that from Eritrean security officials as claimed by the tweet post under discussion. Hence the screenshot documentation presented by the post as evidence happens to be different from what it reported.

Thus, HaqCheck rated the tweet FALSE

Weekly disinformation summary: May week three

Ethiopia’s C-130 Hercules jets

One of the false claims fact-checked by HaqCheck last week was an image-backed claim that the pictures in the Facebook post show Ethiopia’s C-130 Hercules jets.

The post emerged sharing five different images to support the claim that Ethiopia owns many C-130 Hercules jets.

Four out of the five pictures were false and don’t prove the claim. They were taken from other publications.

One C-130 Hercules aircraft was given to Ethiopia by the US government on June 6, 2018, delivered to help the country in its peacekeeping operations.

The fifth image shows the C-130 Hercules jet the US gave Ethiopia in June 2018.

However, four of the five images are found to be taken from old videos published on Youtube and other platforms. A link is given to check out where each image was taken from.

Thus, HaqCheck rated the post False.

ENDF troops joining OLA

Another claim investigated last week was a Facebook post sharing a picture alleging that several members of the Ethiopian Defence Forces (ENDF) were joining the Oromo Liberation Army, addressed by the government as OLF-Shane.

However, HaqCheck looked into the image and found out that the picture doesn’t support the claim that ENDF soldiers joining OLA.

The image was published for the first time on a Facebook page on Oct 31, 2021, with a claim that the Ethiopian army was being disbanded due to the battles with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front at the time.

Therefore, the post was rated False because it used an inaccurate image to prove the claim.

A controversial video

A video emerged on social media last week provoking controversies. The video shows armed men shooting people who seemingly wear military uniforms.

The shooters spoke Tigrinya according to the video recording.

The video unleashed many claims and a controversy surfaced particularly on the Tigrinya social media landscape last week.

Some claimed that the video shows TPLF soldiers killing Afar special police force officers.

Some alleged that it shows TPLF troops shooting and killing Eritrean refugees who live in Tigray.

Others claimed that the video showed TPLF soldiers killing Eritrean troops during a battle. Getachew Reda, a senior member of the TPLF higher leadership denied the claim that the video showed TPLF troops killing Eritrean soldiers in a post he made on Facebook. He rather claimed the video was fabricated by the Eritrean government and the shooters were Eritrean soldiers.

TPLF launching a new attack

Another claim last week that was fact-checked by HaqCheck was a claim that TPLF was mobilizing armed forces to launch a new attack. The Facebook post appeared last week sharing an image that reads, “it was stated that TPLF has already organized itself and is launching the war”.

However, HaqCheck interrogated the image and found out that the picture was old and doesn’t prove the claim.

The image was taken by photographer Ben Curtis on May 8, 2021, in Agulae, Tigray, and shows Ethiopian government soldiers riding in the back of a truck on a road.

Therefore HaqCheck rated it FALSE because of its usage of an inaccurate image to support the claim.


As we always do we recommend social media users be cautious and cross-check information including the authenticity and source. They have to look for additional information and credible accounts.

HaqCheck urges social media content creators to refrain from fabricating and circulating false information. They should avoid false information dissemination knowing and unknowingly.

We urge the government to ensure full and unlimited access to information. The public and media should enjoy full access to information. Besides, the government should give timely and sufficient updates on ongoing and controversial issues.

False: the image doesn’t show members of defense forces who joined OLA

A Facebook page with more than 70 thousand followers shared a post on May 14, 2022, with a picture captioned, “we have heard that several members of the [federal] defense forces have joined the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA).”

By the time this article is published the post got more than 200 reactions and was shared more than 20 times.

However, HaqCheck has interrogated the image used to support the claim and rendered it False

Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), which is called OLF-Shane by the federal government of Ethiopia, was a military wing of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) from which it claimed to split independently later on May 1, 2021.

On Apr 9, 2022, the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) released a statement urging the Federal government to resolve the armed conflict it is engaged in with OLF-Shane in peaceful terms and bring the armed group to the political space. The party also appealed to the government to stretch its hands of peace to OLF-Shane as it did in Tigray.

Several reports of summary executions and civilian casualties of airstrikes have been coming out of Oromia in the past weeks. Civilians continue to be targeted by government forces.

On Saturday 02 April, Colonel Girma Ayele, Coordinator of ENDF’s Southern Command, said that the army has launched a decisive action against the group. According to the Colonel, a coordinated operation against the group by the federal and regional forces resulted in the arrest of OLA members and confiscation of a variety of weapons and ammunition as well as medical supplies. 

Different posts have been appearing with the claim that members of the defense forces, the federal police, and republican guards are splitting into ethnic lines and joining OLA.

Republican guards defected to OLA Link

The Ethiopian military has been separated from ethnic groups. Link

The Facebook post is, thus, published taking advantage of this situation as a context to justify its claim.

HaqCheck has looked into the image used in the post and discovered that the image was previously published on a Facebook page having more than 140 thousand followers as breaking news on Oct 31, 2021, with the description, “Abiy Ahmed’s defense force is completely destroyed. The soldiers spared from Dessie are handing over their weapons at Kemise  managing to get transportation to central Ethiopia.”  

Even though there are several claims that government forces are defecting to OLA, the image used by the Facebook page to support the claim is wrong.
For that reason, HaqCheck has checked the image and rendered it False.

Do the images show Ethiopia’s C-130 Hercules aircrafts?

A Facebook post sharing five images emerged on May 15, 2022, claiming the pictures show the C-130 Hercules jets Ethiopia is armed with.

The post went viral and was shared over 44 times and got more than half a thousand reactions.

However, HaqCheck cross-checked the images and confirmed the claim to be Partly False.

The protracted war between the TPLF and the federal government and its allied forces has remained unsolved.

A humanitarian truce was declared by the federal government and was also adopted by the TPLF a few months ago. This was seen as a glimmer of hope and a window of opportunity for peace talks and peaceful resettlement of the armed conflict.

There was also an unconfirmed report that Debretsion Gebremichael, TPLF chairman, and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy directly talked to one another over the phone after the truce was announced.

In audio released on YouTube, a senior military leader of the TPLF armed forces disclosed that there were direct talks and stated that he and Tadesse Werede met Field Marshal Birhanu Jula, chief staff of ENDF in Mauritius.

Asked, Birhanu Jula denied the claim that he met with the senior TPLF military leaders.

TPLF has been stating that if the diplomatic means to end the war fail, it will resort to other means indicating that it will seek military means. TPLF has been accusing the federal government and regional authorities of blocking aid from entering Tigray and complained that the aid that has recently reached was below what is needed.

A week ago Prime Minister Abiy visited the Ethiopian National Defence Forces in the town of Humera and observed its status.

Meanwhile, public conferences have been conducted in Tigray in many towns. Senior TPLF leaders including Debretsion Gebremichael, Fetleweerk Gebregziabher, Getachew Reda, and Alem Gebrewahd led the public forums and made speeches.

In a meeting in Mekelle on May 10, 2022, Debretsion Gebremichael said that the peaceful means to resolve the war has already been exhausted and called on the people to prepare for the ‘final stage’.

Reports of incursions have also appeared recently and there is a fear that a full military engagement may resume.

Recently, the Ethiopian government accused TPLF of ‘beating drums of war’ and appealed to the European Union to reprimand and urge TPLF to stop ushering in another potential war.

In this background, a Facebook post came out sharing five images to support a claim that they show Ethiopia’s C-130 Hercules jets.

The US government on June 6, 2018, delivered Ethiopia one C-130 Hercules aircraft to help the country in its peacekeeping operations, whose image is included among the five images of the post.

However, four of the five images were taken from other old publications and don’t show Ethiopian C-130 Hercules jets.

Image one

The image was taken from a video published on a YouTube channel on Jul 1, 2014, showing an Airbus A400M aircraft.

Image two

This image was snipped from a video clip released by the US Department of Defense on Twitter on Feb 28, 2018, picturing an AC-130 Hercules aircraft, nicknamed ‘the Angel of Death’.

Image three

The image was taken from a video published by the US Department of Defense and shows American crews training Ethiopian officers on how to maintain the C-130 Hercules aircraft delivered by the US to Ethiopia on June 6, 2018.

Image four

This image was a screenshot from a video published on YouTube on May 13, 2022. The video on the channel itself was also taken from another previous video published on Sep 15, 2020, on YouTube that shows an American C-130 Hercules aircraft.

Image five

Similar to image four, this image was a screenshot from a video published on YouTube on May 13, 2022. The video on the channel itself was also taken from another previous video published on Sep 15, 2020, on YouTube and explains the strength of the American C-130 Hercules aircraft.

Thus, it is found out that only one of the five images posted to support the claim was true. The rest four images were false and don’t show Ethiopia’s C-130 Hercules aircrafts.Therefore, HaqCheck rated the post PARTLY FALSE.

False: The image doesn’t show a recent engagement between Eritrea and TPLF

A Facebook Account of a famous activist with more than 180,000 followers posted an image on May 08, 2022, reporting the Eritrean government to say that TPLF launched an attack via Badme and Rama at night but lost more than 13,000 of their soldiers. The post was shared as breaking news and there is a link attached that leads to the source of the news. 

By the time this article was published, the post had more than 4,000 reactions and was shared more than 400 times. 

However, HaqCheck looked into the image and rated it FALSE.

There had been an armed conflict between the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Ethiopian government since Nov 3, 2020.

The Eritrean government had also been involved in the armed conflict on the side of the federal government of Ethiopia. There have been repeated calls from the international communities to withdraw its troops from the Tigray regional state.

According to BBC Amharic news on May 8, Tigray forces launched a heavy artillery attack on areas bordering Eritrea. There was a short-term military engagement.

The image was shared in this context with an intention of supporting the news that reported TPLF launched a war via Badme and Rama.

However, HaqCheck can realize through its inspection that the image is not of a recent incident and was taken from a publication made years ago. The image was taken in Mar 1999 from a website that used a picture in the article entitled “Remembering the Eritrea-Ethiopia Border War”. 

The Eritrean-Ethiopian War took place from May 1998 to June 2000, between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Eritrea and Ethiopia spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the war, following an earlier 30-year conflict over Eritrea’s independence from Ethiopia, which had ended in 1991. Both states suffered the loss of tens of thousands of their citizens killed or wounded as a direct consequence of the conflict.

Therefore, HaqCheck confirmed that the image used to support the claim is old not representing the recent news report presented by the post, and rated it FALSE.

False: Does the image show Dembi Dollo University?

A Facebook page with more than 500,000 followers published a post with three images on May 06, 2022,  reporting that “The Oromia Liberation Army (OLA) claimed that they took over Dembi Dollo district by force”. Among the 3 images attached to the post to support the claim, one of the images has an overlay text that reads “Dembi Dolo University”.

By the time this article was published, the post had more than 3000 reactions and was shared more than 900 times.

However, HaqCheck investigated the image and proved that it doesn’t show Dembi Dollo University

Therefore, HaqCheck rendered the post False.

Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) was a military wing of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) which is claimed to split later on May 1, 2021. OLA, addressed by the Ethiopian Government as “Shane”, is designated as a terrorist by the parliament. OLA is alleged to target civilians with human rights violations and gruel atrocities, especially in the East Wollega zone of the Oromia Regional State. 

In August, OLA announced its alliance with the Tigray Liberation Front (TPLF), which has been fighting the Ethiopian government since Nov 2020. 

Legesse Tulu, Minister of the Government Communication Service on April 2, said that the federal and Oromia state security forces were taking measures “in a coordinated and participatory manner” on OLA in collaboration with local people. 

The Minister of Communication also stated that the government is launching attacks on OLA (Shene) in Nekemte, Dembidolo, and other areas in western Welega, an area where Dembi Dollo University is located.

In light of this conflict scenario, the post on Facebook tried to support its claim by writing ”Dembi Dollo University” on the image to show that OLA took over the Dembi Dollo district.

After examining the picture using a reverse image search, Haqcheck confirmed that the photo was first posted on December 21, 2017, on BBC News Amharic with the caption “two students died at Wollega University” 

Therefore, HaqCheck inspected the image used to support the claim and rendered it FALSE.

No: Lake Langano is not found in Gambella region

An entertainment website called Urban Matter posted an article on May 10, 2022, titled, “10 places to rest away from the society.” and listed out the countries with the places in which the website claims to give an idea of where your next vacation should be. 

The website explains that Lake Langano is a beautiful Lake Found in the Gambela region and people can swim with dolphins and take a boat ride under a full moon.

However, HaqCheck has examined the description of Lake Langano and rated it False.

Gambella National Regional State is rich in water resources. The major rivers flowing in the region are the Baro, Akobo, Allewero, and Gillo. These rivers have major tributaries large enough for the local population to depend on as far as irrigation and pastoralism purposes are concerned. 

The Baro-Akobo catchments are the Baro and its tributaries (Birbir, Geba, Sor), the Alwero, and the Gilo with its tributaries (Gecheb, Bitun, Beg), and the Akobo with its tributary Kashu.

A Wikipedia article that was edited for the last time on Apr 8, 2022, reads that there are 26 Lakes in Ethiopia with confirmed coordinates. Whereas Lake Chelektu, Lake Gargori, and Lake Laitali are the Lakes with unconfirmed coordinates.

Lake Langano is a Freshwater Lake found in the Oromia Regional State, exactly 200 kilometers by road south of the capital, Addis Ababa, on the border between the East Shewa Zone and Arsi Zones. It is located to the east of Lake Abijatta in the Main Ethiopian Rift. 

According to FAO, Lake Langano comprises five fish species named Barbu tanapelagius, Clarias gariepinus (African sharp tooth catfish), Garra dembecha, Labeobarbus intermedius, Oreochromis nilotics.  

The types of different Fish species in Lake Langano 

Barbu tanapelagius Link

Clarius gariepinus Link

Garra dembecha Link 

Labeobarbus intermedius Link 

Orechromis niloticus Link

Hence Lake Langano is home to a wide and diverse range of wildlife. Home to countless indigenous species, some of the animals that live here include hippos, monkeys, baboons, warthogs, and a variety of birds along with the abovementioned five species of fishes in which Dolphins are not included. 

Link to image source 

Link to image source   

Despite the fact that Ethiopia is one of the most recommended extraordinary places in the world to visit, from the jagged peaks of the Simien Mountains to the Danakil Depression and its impressive Lakes, the information published by the website that lake Langano is a marine home to Dolphins and is located in Gambella Regional State is wrong.   
Therefore, HaqCheck has counter-checked the facts presented in the article and rendered it False.

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