Fact Checks

False: The image doesn’t show a recent engagement between OLA/GLF and government forces

A Facebook page with more than 500 thousand followers shared a post on June 24, 2022, captioned, “OLA and GLF, two militant groups fighting the Ethiopian government, have engaged in fierce combat. be aware that the two military forces have entered the capital of the Gambella region which they were in the past week And take the attack on the military camps.”

By the time this article was published, the post had more than 1400 reactions and was shared over 300 times.

However, HaqCheck has inspected the images and rendered them False.

On June 14, 2022, the same day Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s had a session at the parliament responding to questions from MPs, there was a report of gunfire exchange between joint forces of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLA) and Gambella Liberation Front (GLF). According to news reports, the two rebel forces conducted a sudden siege in the town and opened an attack on government forces.

Gambella Liberation Front shared a post on its Facebook page that the attack targeted Government officials and soldiers. 

The government finally announced it controlled the situation. 

On the same day, there was a report of fighting between OLA and government forces in the western Wollega Dembi Dolo and Gimbi. political prisoners were released, according to Odda Tarbi, the OLA’s international spokesperson. He also posted on his official Twitter account that OLA troops are fighting the government’s soldiers in Dambidollo.

The post was produced taking advantage of this context. 

HaqCheck inspected the post and found out that the image was shared previously on a Facebook page with more than 13 thousand followers with a caption, “Campaign Alula Abanega demonstrates how the struggle in Tigray has raised our heroes’ status by one level.” 

The second image was found on a website called OLAcommunique.com on Oct 20, 2021, on their update #13. The article states the victory of OLA in the Bule Hora, Gumi Eldalo, and Saba Boru districts. HaqCheck discovered the image in the article with the caption, “destroyed patrol vehicle in Bule Hora”.   

Despite the claims that there is an ongoing clash between the Federal Government and rebels in different areas of Oromia, the images used by this Facebook page to support its claim are unrelated to the information reported by the post.   
Due to these reasons, HaqCheck rendered the post False.

Did TPLF recently hijack a plane?

A YouTube video is premiered on July 23 having a thumbnail and title that reads “TPLF hijacked a plane”. Over two thousand viewers watched the video so far.

HaqCheck looked into the full content of the video and confirmed that the actual content doesn’t state that TPLF recently hijacked a plane. The video tells that TPLF denied the landing of a plane in Mekelle. Therefore, the video is rated MISLEADING.

The federal government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) have been in an armed conflict since November 2020.

The belligerents declared a humanitarian truce in March 2022. Since then the flow of humanitarian aid was improved.

There have been unconfirmed reports of direct talks between senior leaders of the Ethiopian federal government and TPLF.

Claims also emerged that the federal government of Ethiopia and the TPLF were preparing for potential negotiations.

Debretsion Gebremichael, TPLF chairman, wrote an open letter and confirmed that his administration will send a delegation to the peace talk initiative that will be held in Nairobi, Kenya.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, during a parliament session last week said that the federal government has already formed a committee to undertake the negotiation with the TPLF.

There have been controversies regarding the transportation of humanitarian aid and humanitarian access to the Tigray regional state between the TPLF and the federal government.

The Ethiopian government and TPLF have accused one another of blocking humanitarian access and hindering smooth transportation of aid to the region.

Last September the United Nations’ World Food Program (WFP) said that 407 of the 445 aid trucks that entered Tigray failed to return causing an impediment to scaling up humanitarian response.

On June 23, 2022, the Ethiopian government accused TPLF of blocking humanitarian aid flights to Mekelle Airport, Tigray.

TPLF, responding to the accusation, stated that the airport has ceased operation due to the absence of fuel to run the facility.

In this context, a video titled, “TPLF hijacked a plane” emerged. However, the video explains that TPLF blocked humanitarian aid flights to Mekelle. There is no connection between the thumbnail and title of the video and its actual content.Therefore, HaqCheck rendered the video MISLEADING due to the absence of relevance between the thumbnail/title and the content.

Does the video demonstrate a recent massacre that took place in Western Wollega?

A Facebook page with more than 196 thousand followers shared a 13-minute and 5-second video on Jun 21, 2022, captioned “this video shows the massacre in west Wollega.” by the time this article is published the video had more than 83 thousand views and the post was shared more than thousand times.

However, HaqCheck has inspected the video and rendered it False.

On Jun 14, 2022, there was a report of gunfire exchange between joint forces of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLA) and Gambella Liberation Front (GLA). According to news reports, the two rebel forces conducted a sudden siege in the town and opened an attack on government forces. The government finally announced it controlled the situation. 

At the same day it is also reported that there was a skirmish in Dembi Dolo and Gimbi cities in western Wollega among OLA and government forces, and some parts of the cities are controlled by OLA. Odda Tarbi the International spokesperson of the OLA, said on his official Twitter account that OLA forces are engaging the government’s military in Dambidollo and Gimbi and Political prisoners that were being held in Dambidollo have been freed.

Later on, on Jun 18, different posts appeared claiming that the Oromo Libration Army (OLA) massacred Ethnic Amhara’s who live in west wollega Gimbi woreda Tole kebele.

But spoke person of the OLA Odda tarbii has denied the accusation of the killing by the federal government.

OLA has shared a statement on its communique website that PM Abiy’s regime organized a militia group called “Gachana Sirna” meaning “the guardians of the regime” that wear artificial wigs to impersonate members of the OLA and commit atrocity crimes in Oromia.

HaqCheck has inspected the video and found out that the video was first shared on  Jul 23, 2021, on a Facebook Account. The video iscaptioned, “WBO [OLA] is freeing prisoners, Thousands of WBO commandos are marching to 4killo.”. The post had more than 400 views.

HaqCheck Found the same footage of people and the armed militias in the videos.

Even though there are several claims that a massacre is conducted in West Wollega, the video used by the Facebook page to support the claim is found out to be old.

Therefore HaqCheck counterchecked the post and rendered it False.     

Did TPLF announce it has no interest in Negotiation?

A video clip emerged on YouTube on June 17, with a thumbnail on which is written a claim that the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF)  stated that it is not interested to hold a negotiation with the federal government of Ethiopia.

Though the thumbnail and the title of the video claim that TPLF has no interest in negotiation, the content of the video explains the five preconditions set by TPLF for the supposed negotiation.

HaqCheck, thus, rated the video clip MISLEADING.

The federal government of Ethiopia and the TPLF have been in an armed conflict since November 2020.

The belligerents declared a humanitarian truce in March 2022. Since then the flow of humanitarian aid flow was improved.

There have been unconfirmed reports of direct talks between senior leaders of the Ethiopian federal government and TPLF.

Claims also emerged that the federal government of Ethiopia and the TPLF were preparing for potential negotiations.

Last week, Le Monde, a French newspaper published a news article claiming that the Ethiopian government and TPLF will conduct a negotiation in Arusha, Tanzania at the end of the month of June 2022.

The news by the French newspaper also claimed diplomats told the paper that TPLF was gradually abandoning its claims to ‘Western Tigray’ territories.

TPLF later denied the claim that it dropped its claim to the contested territories.

Later on, the chairman of TPLF Debretsion Gebremichael wrote an open letter and confirmed that his administration will send a delegation to the peace talk initiative that will be held in Nairobi, Kenya.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, during a parliament session last week said that the federal government has already formed a committee to undertake the negotiation with the TPLF.

Both Debretsion and PM Abiy confirmed that formal negotiation has not yet started between the belligerents denying claims that direct peace talks have already begun in secret.

TPLF recently announced five non-negotiable preconditions such as ‘Western Tigray’ and other territories, a referendum, preservation of its army, accountability to alleged crimes, and compensation to negotiate with the federal government.

On June 16, 2022, Kindeya Gebrehiwet, a senior TPLF official shared these five non-negotiable preconditions on his Twitter account.

The video clip appeared in this background with a misleading thumbnail reporting that TPLF refused to negotiate with the federal government.

It can be clearly indicated that there is no connection between the thumbnail and title of the clip and its actual content. The title and thumbnail say that TPLF announced it doesn’t want negotiation while the content states TPLF presented five preconditions for negotiation.

HaqCheck confirmed that TPLF has not refused negotiation with the federal government and only announced its preconditions for the negotiation.Therefore, HaqCheck rated the video clip MISLEADING as there is no coherence between the title of the YouTube video and its content.

June week two: disinformation trend summary

TPLF rejecting negotiation with the government

Last week, a false video clip emerged on YouTube on June 17, 2022, with a thumbnail title claiming that the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) announced it doesn’t want negotiations with the federal government of Ethiopia.

Though the thumbnail and the title of the video claimed TPLF’s rejection of the negotiation, the content of the video is an explanation of the five preconditions presented by TPLF.

HaqCheck, however, confirmed that the content of the video doesn’t state TPLF’s refusal to negotiate. The content tells that TPLF has presented five non-negotiable conditions to negotiate with the federal government.

Thus, the video clip was rendered MISLEADING because there is no connection or relevance between the video’s thumbnail, title and its actual content.

Dawit Nega passing away after being beaten in Addis Ababa

False claim came out after the news of the death of Dawit Nega, a popular Tigrinya singer. They claimed that the singer was dead after being beaten by Eritreans in Addis Ababa.

However, the claim was proven false. BBC News Tigrinya interviewed Dawit Nega’s family and confirmed he was dead shortly after a pneumonia illness. He was taken to Addis Hiwot Hospital for treatment but passed away within a few days.

Imposter Twitter account

HaqCheck observed imposter content on Twitter last week. A Twitter account created in the name of Addis Ababa Police shared information that sex toys were caught in Bole.

However, HaqCheck confirmed that the account was not the official Twitter account of the Addis Ababa Commission. The city’s police commission has its own authentic and verified Twitter account.

The imposter’s Twitter account was later changed from ‘Addis Ababa Police’ to ‘Dark Nigga’ after sharing the viral tweet.


HaqCheck urges social media users to be cautious of false information and imposter accounts. They should look for authentic accounts and search if the information originated from there.

They should cross-check information by resorting to mainstream media outlets and fact-checking organizations.

Social media content creators are recommended to be responsible and refrain from circulating false and unverified content across social media platforms.

YouTube has been a major platform for false and misleading content. We observe YouTube channels disseminating misleading and false titles, thumbnails, and information to seek audiences’ attention given its financial incentives for viewership. HaqCheck urges YouTubers to avoid disinforming users across social media.

June week one: disinformation trend summary

The week was relatively calm compared to the previous weeks. Major controversies and disinformation trends had not been observed during the week.

This summary discusses the false claims debunked by HaqCheck and a controversy that came out at the end of the week.

Government forces destroyed properties that belong to Zemene Kase’s mother

A Facebook page shared an image claiming that government forces burned and destroyed properties belonging to the mother of Zemene Kasse, a Fano militia leader in the Amhara regional state.

The post explains that the forces demolished the properties by government forces looking to arrest the Fano leader.

Different social media posts were also observed reporting the properties of Zemene Kasse’s families were destroyed by federal and regional forces. 

However, HaqCheck found the image alongside other three pictures posted on Jan 23 previously on a Twitter account with more than 13 thousand followers captioned in Affan Oromo, “These pictures show the damage the armed forces, who came here crossing the Nile, did to Oromo farmers in #Amuruu District of Horroo Guduruu Region.”

Therefore, HaqCheck confirmed that the image doesn’t prove the claim and rated the post False.

Yemane Gebremeskel is Eritrea’s Foreign Minister

A video claiming that Yemane Gebremeskel is the Foreign Minister of Eritrea was published on YouTube on June 9, 2022. The video explains that while Ethiopia’s relations with the United States have recently improved, Eritrea’s on the contrary worsened. It is stated in the video that ‘Eritrea’s Foreign Minister Yemane Gebremeskel’ and the US embassy in Asmara have been quarreling over political, international, and religious issues signaling the deterioration of the relationship between the two countries.

It is true that senior Eritrean official Yemane Gebremeskel and the US Embassy in Asmara have been observed to debate on social media on various issues.

However, Yemane Gebremeskel is Eritrea’s Information Minister, not Foreign Minister. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea is named Osman Salih.

Yemane was appointed Information Minister in 2015 after the former Minister Ali Abdu defected. Previously, he was Chief of Staff of the Office of the Eritrean President.

Thus, HaqCheck confirmed that Yemane Gebremeskel is not Eritrea’s Foreign Minister, debunked the claim, and rated it False.

TPLF abandoning its ownership claim to Wolkait-Humera territories

At the end of the week, a news article came out claiming that negotiations will be held between the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Ethiopian government in June 2022 in Arusha, Tanzania. The French newspaper Le Monde stated that it obtained the information from Western and African diplomats close to the case.

Same reportings emerged citing the French newspaper that TPLF gradually abandoned its claim to ‘Western Tigray’ territories.

Getachew Reda, a spokesman of TPLF denied the report that TPLF is abandoning the claim to the contested territories in a tweet he made.


As we always do, we recommend social media users be cautious and cross-check information. They should avoid sharing unconfirmed information instantly.

Social media content creators are urged to be responsible and refrain from fabricating and circulating false claims.

Government and other authorities should avail sufficient information regarding timely issues. The government should also ensure full access to information for the media, public, and other entities.

Media organizations and news outlets should offer their audience accurate and sufficing information about controversial issues.

Is Yemane Gebremeskel Eritrea’s Foreign Minister?

A video claiming that Yemane Gebremeskel is the Foreign Minister of Eritrea was published on YouTube on June 9, 2022. The video explains that while Ethiopia’s relations with the United States have recently improved, Eritrea’s on the contrary worsened. 

It is stated in the video that Eritrean Foreign Minister Yemane Gebremeskel and the US embassy in Asmara have been quarreling over political, international, and religious issues signaling the deterioration of the relationship between the two countries.

HaqCheck, however, confirmed that Yemane Gebremeskel is Eritrea’s Minister of Information, not the Foreign Minister.

The US relations with Eritrea and Ethiopia worsened since the outbreak of the war in Tigray in November 2020. US-Ethiopia relations began to deteriorate in 2020 when the US halted financial assistance to Ethiopia over the first filling of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

The US government has accused the Eritrean and Ethiopian governments of human rights abuses during the armed conflict with Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

The Biden administration repeatedly called for the withdrawal of the Eritrean army from Ethiopia and later sanctioned Eritrea and the Eritrean army chief.

Eritrea in its part accused the American government of destabilizing the region by supporting TPLF.

Yemane Gebremeskel an Eritrean senior government official who is active on social media has been accusing and blaming the US for supporting the TPLF and destabilizing the Horn of Africa region on his verified Twitter account.

The American Embassy in Asmara, Eritrea, on its verified Facebook page, also accused the Eritrean government of human rights abuses in Ethiopia’s Tigray regional state and inside Eritrea. The page of the embassy also blamed Yemane Gebremeskel for fabricating disinformation on social media platforms.

However, Yemane Gebremeskel is Eritrea’s Information Minister. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea is named Osman Salih and is usually accompanied by Presidential advisor Yemane Gebreab during his official visits outside Eritrea.

Yemane was appointed Information Minister in 2015 after the former Minister Ali Abdu defected. Previously, he was chief of staff of the Office of the Eritrean President.

Thus, HaqCheck confirmed that Yemane Gebremeskel is not Eritrea’s Foreign Minister and debunked the claim rating it FALSE.

Does the image show property of Zemene Kassie’s mother destroyed by government forces?

A Facebook page with more than 150 thousand followers shared a post on May 31, 2022, captioned, “This is breaking news!! The TPLF did not loot and burn the property of  Zemene Kassie’s mother when he escaped to Eritrea. But today, Abiy Ahmed’s government, whose seat and the people are rescued at turbulent times by Zemene Kassie, burnt and demolished the house of Zemene’s mother as such.” Zemene Kassie claims to be the leader of Fano, a volunteer Amhara youth militia. 

By the time this article is published the post had more than 190 reactions and was shared more than 65 Times.

However, HaqCheck inspected the image and rendered it False

Fano is the name for an Amhara youth volunteering to defend the Country. Fano responded to the government’s call to arms as the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) launched a military offensive on the Amhara and Tigray regions. The group was armed by the government and was fighting alongside the Ethiopian National Defence Forces (ENDF) during the war.  

On Dec 20, 2021, Tigrayan forces fighting the central government said they have withdrawn from neighboring regions in northern Ethiopia, a step toward a possible ceasefire after 13 months of the brutal war.

On Mar 24, 2022, The Federal government declared a humanitarian truce in Tigray.

“Cognizant of the need to take extraordinary measures to save lives and reduce human suffering, the Government of Ethiopia hereby declares an indefinite humanitarian truce effective immediately.” the statement reads.

On May 25, 2022, the Amhara regional government releases a statement that internal enemies of the Amhara people are engaging in acts of violence, instability, and disorder in the Amhara region and, The people of the region have repeatedly called on the government to uphold the rule of law. Therefore the Regional government will work to fulfill its obligation and maintain the law and order.

Thereafter, different social media and news outlets were claiming that there had been an engagement between the Federal Government and Local Fano militias.

A popular English news website reported that Clashes broke out on March 6 in Mota town, in East Gojjam Zone of Amhara Regional State, leaving unknown numbers injured. Moreover, according to a news by Wazema Radio, tension was running high in the town following the arrest of the leader of the local Fano by government security forces.

The regional government however defended the actions as law enforcement measures taken against informal groups it claimed are working to destabilize the region. The President of the Amhara Region, Yilkal Kefale (Ph.D.), said, “The regional government has no intentions of disarming or attacking Fano.” He explained that the measures targeted those who are involved in criminal activities such as illegal arms trafficking, killing, and robbery.

Despite the Government’s assurance, federal and regional security forces were reported to conduct a crackdown on major Fano leaders arresting them and raising their houses.  

On the other hand, A website called My views on news published a post on May 23 that Zemene Kassie warned the Federal Government.     

Zemene Kassie, Fano militia commander warns the Ethiopian gov’t 

Different social media posts were also observed reporting the properties of Fano Zemene Kassies’ families were destroyed by the federal and regional Forces. 

A Facebook page with more than 180 thousand followers said in a post that Zemene Kassie’s brother Nebret Kassie confirmed government militias destroyed their property and left their 85-year-old Mom on the streets.   

It was taking this background of the situation that the Facebook post emerged.

In an effort of counterchecking the claim, HaqCheck found the image alongside other three posted on Jan 23 previously on a Twitter account with more than 13 thousand followers captioned in Affan Oromo language, “These pictures show the damage the armed forces, who came here crossing the Nile, did to Oromo farmers in #Amuruu District of Horroo Guduruu Region.”

Even though there are several claims that the property of Zemen Kassies’ Family was destroyed by armed forces, the image used by the Facebook post to support the claim is wrong.
Thus, HaqCheck checked the image used to prove the claim and rendered it False.

Monthly disinformation analysis: May 2022

This analysis covered the disinformation and controversy trends observed during May 2022. These trends were mainly observed across various social media platforms.

The unsettled war in the northern parts of Ethiopia remained among the major factors of controversy and false information.

Fresh military engagements and full-scale war

Unconfirmed reports of recent military engagements among the belligerents of the armed conflict in the northern part of the country came out during May. It caused concerns that a full-scale war may erupt again between the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and federal-led allied forces amid a hype of war preparations and warnings by warring parties.

This scenario was instantly accompanied by false claims. Most of the false claims that followed this situation used old and false images in a bid to prove different claims.

HaqCheck debunked an image-backed claim made on a Telegram channel that TPLF forces opened a new attack in the Tigray-Amhara border areas. It is confirmed that the image doesn’t show a new military engagement of a recent incursion by the TPLF forces and was taken during the Ethio-Eritrea border war two decades ago and was published in 2019 on a photo archive website called Negative Colors. It was used in an article written about the evolution of the Ethiopia-Eritrea relations from the border war to the recent rapprochement.

Another related claim was that TPLF was mobilizing armed forces to launch a new attack. The Facebook post shared an image that reads, “it was stated that TPLF has already organized itself and is launching the war”.

However, the image was found to be taken by photographer Ben Curtis on May 8, 2021, in Agulae, Tigray, and shows Ethiopian government soldiers riding in the back of a truck on a road.

Moreover, there was a claim that Eritrea destroyed more than thirteen thousand TPLF soldiers in a recent battle provoked by TPLF. The Facebook post shared a false image that also was used to support another claim at the same time.

A post emerged after a report by BBC that on May 8, Tigray forces launched a heavy artillery attack on areas bordering Eritrea.

However, the image used in the post was old and doesn’t support the claim. The image shows Eritrean army soldiers during the Ethio-Eritrea border war two decades ago.

Twitter becomes a platform for disinformation and controversy

The social media networking platform Twitter is becoming a major arena for disinformation and controversies in the Ethiopian social media landscape.

HaqCheck debunked false image-backed claims on Twitter recently. It has also become a site for controversial claims mainly regarding evolving political matters in Ethiopia.

The controversial claim that Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed met with TPLF senior leaders in Nigeria was first made on Twitter. It grabbed social media users’ attention and the government denied the PM didn’t meet with the mentioned people.

Some false claims were also tracked on Twitter and fact-checked during May 2022.

For instance, a Twitter account with more than 1,100 followers shared three images on May 24 to support a claim that a public uprising recently erupted in Tigray and the people of Tigray demanded Abiy govern them. The tweet got many retweets and reactions.

However, HaqCheck found the two images on a previous Facebook post from DW Amharic on Oct 2, 2018, captioned, “university students and their families protested in the streets of Mekelle, Tigray. We will not send our students to unsafe places, our students should not make a meaningless sacrifice, states and the federal government should solve this issue,” were some of the writings printed on the posters held in the protest. 

The third image was found on borkena.com in an article on June 27, 2018, titled, “Fresh ethnic-based violence in Asossa left at least eight people dead.”

These instances imply that Twitter has become the major social media space for such disinformation and controversial claims.

Random misinformation

Furthermore, we observed that random claims that emerged out of nowhere appeared during the month. Many claims follow events and contexts. But there were false claims that came with no traceable context or incidence.

Random false information published by a website that Ethiopia’s Lake Langano is found in the Gambella Regional State was fact-checked. However, Langano Lake is found in Oromia Regional State 200 kilometers by road south of Addis Ababa, on the border between the East Shewa Zone and Arsi Zones.

Therefore, the claim was confirmed False by HaqCheck.

Imposter images

Claims that used imposter or manipulated images emerged in the Ethiopian social media landscape.

This trend has been increasing recently. Images would be manipulated to support other unrelated claims.

For example, an image claimed to be a screenshot of a news report by the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC) was posted on Facebook with a claim that circulating on social media claiming to show a screenshot of a news report by the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC).

The image shows a picture of Shimels Abdisa, President of the Oromia Regional State, giving a speech. The Amharic caption on the image reads “The law enforcement operation we launched in the Amhara region is being conducted successfully.”

The image was taken from previous posts and edited and the overlay text was altered. HaqCheck confirmed that the picture of Shimelis Abdisa captioned by EBC was shared in his statement during Eid al-Fitr last year in 2021.

Screenshots accompanying false claims

A trend of using screenshots to support claims has been observed recently. HaqCheck debunked claims accompanied with screenshots.

On May 25, 2022, a tweet appeared claiming that Eritrean security officials recently revealed that Ethio 360 and Ethio Forum discussed online with senior TPLF leaders and agreed to work together to incite conflict and instability in Ethiopia.

The tweet presented a screenshot of a text written in Tigrinya to support the claim.

However, the screenshot text that reads the mentioned bodies held an online meeting and agreed to work hand in hand to sow conflict and instability in the country doesn’t confirm the claim. It was cropped from a Facebook post made on May 23, 2022. The Facebook post was made by a page named ‘Center for research and Documentation’ which claimed to be a news and media website. The page claimed that it got the information from its exclusive sources.


An element of scam was also tracked on social media sites targeting audiences. Telegram channels are also becoming a haven for scams and content with fraud elements.

A Telegram message was debunked that claimed that the US government offered twenty thousand jobs in the US for Ethiopians.

The channel by the name of “US Embassy Addis Ababa” with more than 127,000 subscribers imposters a message in the name of the US embassy in Ethiopia and appealed to subscribers to register and apply for the job.

The message requests to fill in personal information such as name, phone number, Address, and others. 

The US Embassy in Ethiopia later posted a statement on its official Facebook page on May 26 saying that “there are fake posts about employment and visa opportunities in the United States on various social media platforms.  All legitimate employment opportunities at the U.S. Embassy are posted on our website…”


HaqCheck urges social media users to be cautious and cross-check information rather than accepting and sharing instantly. They should look for original and trustable sources for matters.

It is recommended that social media content creators refrain from circulating false information. They should be responsible.

The government should guarantee full and open access to information to the media and public. Concerned government authorities should offer timely and sufficient information.

We urge political parties, media outlets, government offices, and other interest group entities to give the media and audiences accurate information.

False: The image doesn’t show Olusegun Obasanjo recently met with Merara Gudina

A Twitter Account with more than 25,000 followers posted an image on Jun 02, 2022, claiming “Olusegun Obasanjo also held talks about peace with the great political scholar Professor Merara Gudina!”

By the time this article was published, the post had more than 150 reactions and was retweeted more than 35 times. 

However, HaqCheck looked into the image and rated it FALSE.

The Ethiopian federal government has been engaged in an armed conflict with TPLF forces in the Tigray region since November 2020.

A humanitarian truce was declared by the federal government and was also adopted by the TPLF a few months ago.

On 26th August 2021, Olusegun Obasanjo, former President of the Federal government of Nigeria, was appointed as High Representative for the Horn of Africa region. The representative is entitled to work towards entrenching durable peace and stability within the Horn of Africa.

To seek a peaceful solution H.E. Olusegun Obasanjo met with the leader of TPLF and government officials several times. The representative has been tasked with convincing parties to accept a ceasefire and choose dialogue.

On May 31, the AU special envoy met with TPLF leader, Debretsion Gebremichael in the capital of the region of Tigray, Mekelle. After two days, he arrived in Bale Robe Oromia state, with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and government officials for a working visit. 

Based on this background, the Twitter post came out claiming that Obasanjo talked about peace with Professor Merara Gudina, a prominent Oromo opposition leader.

However, the image was taken from an old publication on the Internet. The original image was published on African Union’s official website on Jun 21, 2021, with the caption “The Head of the AU election observation mission, H.E. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, meeting with the leader of the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC), Dr. Merera”.  

Therefore, HaqCheck confirmed that the image used to support the claim is old and rated it FALSE.

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