A Facebook page with more than 700 thousand followers shared a 25 Second video on Oct 5, 2022, captioned, “Please have a look at this video showing how the Abiy regime [Federal Government] is sending its airforce commandos from Debre Zeit air force base to Asmara[Eritrea], it is not fair to deploy soldiers while talking about peace. Whatsoever,  the Army of TDF [Tigray Defense Forces] will not be inattentive.” 

By the time this article is published the post had more than 10 thousand views.

However, HaqCheck inspected the video and rendered it False.

On Oct 1, 2022, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) wrote an open letter to TPLF leader Debretsion Gebremichael (Ph.D.). The commission invited the TPLF leader to the peace talk to be placed in South Africa from Sunday, Oct 8, 2022.

In a statement issued on Oct 5, 2022, TPLF announced that it accepted the African Union’s invitation to the peace talks.

The government communication service on its side said in its statement that “The African Union’s invitation was found to be consistent, with the government’s previous peace calls. It is remembered that the government has been taking all kinds of remedial measures to resolve the conflict and will continue to do so”.

In the effort of verifying the video, HaqCheck used keywords to find the original 4-minute and 05 second-long video previously posted on Aug 29, 2022. The video was posted on a Facebook page with more than nine thousand followers captioned, “The FDRE national airforce training, watch the video”. The video has more than 500 views.

HaqCheck found the same video footage on both videos.

Footage one

Footage Two

Given its findings that identified the real source of the footage, HaqCheck confirmed that the video was old and was shared in a different context a year before.

Therefore HaqCheck inspected the video and rendered it False.

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