A Facebook page with more than 38 thousand followers shared a post on Jul 12, 2022, Captioned “Amhara extremists have turned back to Ataye because their deadliest massacre plan in Wollega has not worked out.”

The Page uses the map of the Amhara region and from the map points to an image claiming to show Amhara militias in Fortress.

However, HaqCheck has inspected the image used to support the claim and rendered it False.

On Jun 18, different posts appeared circulating the report that the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) massacred Ethnic Amharas who live in west wollega Gimbi 

woreda Tole kebele. Different unofficial social media posts claimed that the number of civilians killed by the armed group is far larger  and reaches close to a thousand.

The international spokesperson of the OLA Odda Tarbbi denied the claim that OLA soldiers conducted a massacre in wollega against the civilians, but rather local militia.

Ataye Google Map View 

On Jul 11, 2022, there were different reports of Gunfire in Ataye town, a place in Northern Shoa. the posts claimed that the members of OLA opened gunfire on Amhara residents of the town.

In this regard, a  video claims  OLA militants were entering Ataye with gunshots heard from afar.  

Later on Jul 12, 2022, different media reported that federal and regional security forces arrived in the area to quell the clashes.

The post was shared in the backdrop of these situations.

HaqCheck tried to inspect the image used to support the claim that Amhara armed militias opened an attack on Ataye. It is found out that the image was published on May 12, 2015, on a website called intriguing history.com under the title “New Data Register of the Anglo Boer War 1899-1902”.

The South African War, sometimes called the Boer War or Anglo-Boer War was the first major conflict of a century that was to be marked by wars on an international scale. The war began on October 11, 1899, following a Boer ultimatum that the British should cease building up their forces in the region.

The Boers had refused to grant political rights to non-Boer settlers, known as Uitlanders, most of whom were British, or to grant civil rights to Africans.

But later the two belligerents had a meeting In Pretoria, when representatives of Great Britain and the Boer states signed the Treaty of Vereeniging, officially ending the three-and-a-half-year South African Boer War.

Even though there are several claims of recent skirmishes in Ataye town, the image used by the Facebook page to support the claim is wrong.
Therefore HaqCheck has inspected the image and rendered it False.

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