A compilation of images was shared on Nov 30 by a Facebook Page, having more than 435,600 followers and a Twitter Account with more than 1,500 followers, in support of a claim that Sudan has sent numerous troops to the border it shares with Ethiopia. However, HaqCheck has examined the images and rated the post as FALSE.

In November 2020, as Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed sent national defense forces to northern Ethiopia to encounter the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), Khartoum deployed soldiers at Al-Fashqa, a move the Ethiopian government considered a provocation

This area shares borders with the Amhara Regional State of Ethiopia. and border demarcation is delayed for nearly a century.

The Sudanese military on Tuesday accused Ethiopian forces, for a second time in the past few days, of attacking its forces and civilians near the disputed border. 

The Ethiopian government spokesperson Leggese Tullu denied the allegations that the Ethiopian army launched an attack on Sudanese troops, with a justification that “a large group of rebels, bandits, and terrorists have entered (from Sudan), and The Ethiopian National Defence Force and the local militia have eliminated them.”

However, HaqCheck has undertaken a reverse image search of the pictures to learn that the post doesn’t actually prove the claim. 

The first image was taken in Dec 2016 while the Sudanese army was exercising in northern Sudan. 

The second image was posted a year ago on Apr 10, 2020, on a website article presented in the Chinese language.  

The third image was taken 14 years ago by S. Telliks. This photo was published on a website on 24 November 2019. 

The last photo was published on Nov 21, 2021, on an Arabic website in an article entitled, “The Sudanese armed forces deny the occurrence of armed clashes with Ethiopia” 

HaqCheck has analyzed the images and proved that they do not show the claim “Sudan has sent numerous troops to the border of Ethiopia”  and rendered it FALSE.

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