A Facebook page with more than 75 thousand followers posted an image on Nov 28. The Amharic caption reads, “captured prosperity army members at the Kasagita, Afar front, yesterday.”  By the time this article was published the post got more than 800 reactions.

The image is also posted by other pages and news sites in different contexts. HaqCheck looked into the image and rated it as FALSE.

Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) forces and the Federal Government of Ethiopia have been in an active war in northern Ethiopia since November 2020.  At the end of June 2021, the Federal Government declared a sudden unilateral ceasefire and pulled out its troops from Tigray after a request from the Provisional Government of the region.

Thereafter, the TPLF forces had been advancing southward towards territories in the Amhara and the Afar Regional States. On Aug 5, 2021, TPLF forces took control of the town of Lalibela in the North Wollo zone of the Amhara Regional State. 

Reports of fresh military offensives and counter-offensives have come out recently. On Nov 22, PM Abiy Ahmed announced he is joining the war to undertake leadership from the frontlines. 

On Nov 26 it was announced that Government forces led by the Prime Minister recaptured Kasagita and had been forwarding to Burka and Bati.

reverse image search of the picture, attached to the post, shows that the image was previously posted by a Facebook page named Tigray Press on Aug 5.

Due to its inaccuracy with the message it intended to convey in the claim, HaqCheck rated it as FALSE.

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