True: Debub Global Bank is offering prizes for Telegram users

As we have connoted in our previous fact-checking publication, some Telegram channels and groups had been intending to deceive users in the name of different prominent banks offering people attractive prizes on the condition that they join their channels and share the links to a number of people. HaqCheck clarified these claims and rendered them as Hoax. 

We have been requested by our audiences to look into a Telegram channel with the same content of offering prizes. The channel’s Amharic post published in the name of Debub Global Bank reads, “our bank is offering prizes on the occasion of Ethiopian new year with the supposition of motivating Telegram channels, an opportunity open until Oct 11, 2021.” 

The post has been watched by more than 52,700 people up until this article is published. Unlike the previous misleading Telegram hoaxes, HaqCheck confirmed that the messages are actually from the bank.

The post listed four different prizes. The first prize being modern mobile phones for three lucky winners, there are lists of other prizes such as  DSTv decoder with a one month package, Golden membership account of the bank, and daily mobile air time of 100 ETB. In order to qualify for the prizes, people are reminded to join the channel and invite more than 50 people following the shared link. 

In an effort to ratify the claim, HaqCheck spoke to Temesgen Fekadu, an officer in the marketing department of Debub Global Bank.“ Telegram Channel is real. We provided different prizes for Telegram users including 100 airtime packages, mobile devices, and DSTv decoders. The opportunity is open for members of the channels until the deadline” he explained.

HaqCheck also reached out to  Asnake Worku, Marketing and Brand Officer of the bank. He also confirmed that the prize offer is real. Moreover, we have called to different branches of the bank to find out that all the information we had from the bank is in accord.

Therefore, the Telegram messages offering new year prizes in the name of  Debub Global Bank are confirmed to be True. 

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