Misleading Images about recent attack in East Shewa Zone, Oromia

The Oromo Youth Liberation Movement, commonly referred to as Qeerroo initiated a broad strike in Oromia beginning in early September. This strike was intended to denounce purported repression and brutality by the national government towards the Oromo people. 

Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo stated that “This decree for the Market Boycott and Transportation Blockade will be in effect from Friday, Pagume 1, 2017 (according to the Ethiopian calendar) until the end of the Irreecha celebration in Harsadi. This means it will be in force from Friday, September 6, 2024, according to the Gregorian calendar, until the end of the Irreecha festival in Harsadi (permission for Irreecha activities is specified separately under guidelines)”.


The movement enforced limitations on movement and established barriers on roads, resulting in multiple confrontations with individuals who disregarded these constraints.

In a recent post shared on Telegram, the details of a harrowing attack in the East Shewa Zone, Meki town of the Oromia region on 07,09, 2024 have resurfaced. Witnesses who managed to escape the attack recounted a scene of chaos and destruction, highlighting the loss of at least four drivers and extensive damage to over 30 vehicles.

The report identified the attackers as militants from the Oromo Liberation Front and also that witnesses who survived the ordeal stated that despite the attackers being affiliated with the OLF, they were seen clad in the uniforms of the Oromia region’s special forces.


However, a concerning development has emerged regarding the accompanying images attached to the post. Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that these images do not depict the incident described in the post. Instead, they have been sourced from earlier unrelated posts with different captions and incidents.

The first image was found in a Facebook post with the caption “Defense army cars were burnt in Awash city – Awash Addis Ababa road was closed. “in 22,11,2019. The post stated that youths were shot and killed in public, and today, defense army vehicles were burnt in Awash City. The Awash Addis Ababa road was closed due to the lack of action against the killers of the dead citizens. Awash is burning with grief and fire. Let the members of the armed forces who killed teenagers be brought to justice before they commit another crime! The state government should do immediate work for peace and stability.


The second image was found on a BBC NEWS AFAAN OROMOO post with a caption of “New protests in Ambo kill people”. The report was about an incident that took place on 26,10,2017 in Ambo town, Oromia. BBC reported the situation as  “According to residents of Ambo town, the people started blocking the road yesterday evening to stop trucks loaded with sugar passing through the town. At least 10 people were killed and many others injured when uniformed forces opened fire at around 1 am, residents told us. Not only lives but also property were damaged and two trucks of the Dangote cement factory were destroyed in the fire.”


Even though there is no official announcement about the incident stated by the telegram account, it can be assured that the images incorporated with the post don’t show any connection with the stated place and date. 

Such a misleading use of visuals not only distorts the truth but also undermines the gravity of the actual events. It is crucial for information shared on social media platforms to be accurate and responsibly presented to avoid spreading misinformation and confusion among the public.

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