False: The images don’t show ammunition seized in Addis Ababa

A viral Facebook post emerged on Nov 16, 2021, sharing two images with the claim that the bulk of ammunition in the images was seized in Addis Ababa during the current raid. The post has received close to five thousand reactions, over five hundred shares, and more than five hundred comments at the time of this publication.

However, HaqCheck fact-checked the claim and confirmed that the images in the post don’t show ammunition recently seized in Addis Ababa during the raid.

As the armed conflict in the northern and northeastern parts of the country aggravated, it posed a security crisis almost all over the country. The Ethiopian Government recently declared a six-month period of a state of emergency. In addition, Oromia Regional State has imposed a curfew to thwart security threats.

The government has been repeatedly calling residents of Addis Ababa to watch over their neighborhoods and notify any potential security threat.

Recently, reports have come from the police that security forces are seizing various materials that would have been used for rogue purposes.

Amid this situation, the Facebook post appeared claiming that the bulk of ammunition in the image was seized in Addis Ababa during the raid.

However, HaqCheck confirmed that the images were taken from previous publications eight months ago.

The first image in the post was taken from an article that reported ammunition was seized by the Kombolcha branch of the Ethiopian Customs Commission by Fana Broadcasting Corporation, Afaan Oromoo page issued on Apr 15, 2021. The original image can be accessed here.

The second image posted to support the claim was first published in a Facebook post on Apr 16, 2021, with a text explaining that two individuals with over 5,000 ammunition were arrested in Kombolcha. The original Facebook post can be found here.

Therefore, HaqCheck confirmed that the images in the Facebook post don’t show ammunition recently seized in Addis Ababa and rated the post FALSE.

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