An image was posted on social media platforms with claims that Eritrean soldiers were torturing and commiting civilian massacres in the recently-seized northwestern and central areas of Tigray. It was shared on Facebook and Twitter.

Some of the Facebook posts were deleted later on, screenshots are captured though. The Twitter post is still there.

Fighting between the Ethiopian and TPLF on Aug 24, 2022, after the latter announced the truce was already violated by the former.

Since then, the Ethiopian armed forces accompanied by the Eritrean troops and regional militias took control of many urban areas in the Tigray regional state.

After the war resumed again in August, after controlling the town of Shire in northwestern Tigray last week, the federal government-led allied forces seized the towns of Aksum and Adwa in central Tigray.

Thereafter, unverified reports that the allied forces killed civilians in the recently seized areas of the Tigray regional state came out.

Amnesty International on Oct 24, 2022, reported that Eritrean troops killed many people including Eritrean refugees between 6-12 September 2022 in Sheraro town.

Against this backdrop, social media posts shared an image claiming that Eritrean soldiers were torturing civilians in recently-seized areas of Tigray including Shire city. The image was shared by many Facebook accounts, some posts were deleted later though.

The image was also posted on Twitter with a similar claim that Eritrean troops were killing civilians in Aksum and Adwa towns.

However, HaqCheck confirmed that the image is old and doesn’t prove the claim. It was posted on Twitter on Jul 5, 2020 with a description that ethnic Amharas were being killed in Oromia regional state.Therefore, HaqCheck rated the social media posts that claim the image shows Eritrean soldiers torturing and committing civilian massacre in Tigray False.

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