Facebook page with more than 52 thousand followers posted a video on Jan 10. Its caption reads, “The celebration of the release of Sebahat Nega and Abay Woldu in Addis Ababa.”  By the time this article was published, the video had more than 1000 reactions and more than 200 shares. It was viewed by over 81 thousand users.

However, HaqCheck looked into the video and rendered it False.

Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) officials, who were arrested after the federal government-controlled Mekelle in Dec 2020, were in jail for almost a year.

Charges of overthrowing a constitutionally established regional government, launching attacks against the National army, and engaging in an armed struggle were filed against them in July 2021 by the Federal Attorney General.

The Ministry of Justice, on Jan 07, dropped charges of six individuals, including Sibhat Nega and Abay Weldu, among the charges in the case of Debretsion Gebremichael, TPLF chairman. Their release incited a wide public controversy and debate.  They were released from prison on that day.

In the context of their controversial release,  the post appeared on Facebook claiming to show a celebration that took place in Addis Ababa marking the celebration of the release of Sebhat Nega, TPLF founding member, and Abay Weldu, a higher official of the party.

HaqCheck looked into the video and found out that it was published four years ago on YouTube claiming to show Sebhat Nega in a birthday party with his family.

Therefore, HaqCheck rated the post as FALSE.

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