On Jan 9, 2023, a Twitter account posted an image with a claim that properties were recently being looted [by Eritrean soldiers] from Tigray regional state.

The tweet was shared 75 times and was viewed by over two thousand users on the platform.

However, HaqCheck found out that the image used to support the claim was old. The picture was first published on Facebook on April 21, 2022.

After months of tension, the federal government of Ethiopia and TPLF went to war on Nov 4, 2020.

Allied forces, including the Eritrean Defence Forces (EDF) and Amhara regional militias, were also involved alongside the federal government squashing the TPLF.

The armed forces involved in the two-year armed conflict were accused of mass killing and looting.

The war lasted for two years until a peace agreement was signed between the two parties at the beginning of November 2022.

Since the peace deal was signed in Pretoria, South Africa, fighting has been stopped.

The peace agreement between the Ethiopian government and the TPLF asserts that the disarmament of heavy weapons of the TPLF should be done concurrently with the withdrawal of Eritrean and non-ENDF forces from the Tigray regional state.

At the end of last month, Eritrean troops were reported to start leaving major towns in the Tigray regional state.

Yet, it is still unknown whether the non-ENDF and Eritrean troops have fully withdrawn from the Tigray regional state.

On Jan 9, 2023, a tweet emerged sharing an image with a claim that Eritrean troops recently looted properties from Tigray. The image used in support of the claim depicts many trucks transporting unidentified materials.

However, HaqCheck looked into the claim and confirmed that the image doesn’t prove the claim.

The image is old and was published for the first time on Apr 21, 2022, on Facebook. The description of the original image states that the picture shows looted properties being transported from Humera to Gondar at the time.

Therefore, HaqCheck rated the post as False.

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