A Facebook post appeared on Aug 7 2022 sharing an image that shows two pictures of a young man. The before-after pictures show a person who had a serious leg injury and was recently healed. The image was shared along with a text post that indicates that the person was healed with traditional medicine and recommends others to seek an effective indigenous medicine from the traditional doctor named Merigeta Solomon.

However, HaqCheck confirmed that the image doesn’t show a person healed with traditional medicine and urges social media users not to be victims of fraud.

Such posts with elements of scams commonly appear on social media platforms, particularly on Facebook. HaqCheck has previously fact-checked scam alerts many times.

This particular post has the character of scam messages. The post claimed that the mentioned traditional doctor offers many effective medicines for various types of illnesses, physical or spiritual. It also claimed that it has a magical medicine for people to be successful, wealthy, beautiful and have so many achievements.

HaqCheck inspected the image and found out that the young man in the image is named Yetbarek who is surgically treated at CURE Ethiopia Children’s Hospital, Addis Ababa branch of Cure International, a network of many pediatric hospitals throughout the globe.

According to the information on the website of the hospital, Yetbarek had a bad fracture on his right leg under his knee after his tibia broke when he was playing football. He received surgical treatment from the hospital starting in June 2019. The hospital said that Yetbarek was successfully healed and shared many pictures of him.

The image was first posted on the website of the hospital in feb 2020.

Therefore, HaqCheck confirmed that the image doesn’t prove the person in the pictures was healed with traditional medicine from the claimed traditional doctor or with any kind of indigenous medicine.

HaqCheck rated the post which also has characters of scam False and urges social media users to be skeptical of such posts and be careful of scams.

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