On Oct 14, 2022, a tweet was posted sharing an image with a claim that the Ethiopian army has taken control of Shire town. The tweet was viral and shared many times across the platform.

However, HaqCheck investigated the image and confirmed that the picture doesn’t support the claim and is old. Thus, the Twitter post was rated False.

The conflict between the Ethiopian government and TPLF forces resumed in August after a cessation of hostilities which was declared on Mar 24, 2022.

On Aug 16, 2022, the TPLF said that the federal government already violated the cessation of hostilities jointly declared at the end of March. The TPLF claimed that the armed forces of the federal government attacked its forces with artillery and tanks.

The TPLF forces stated on Aug 24, 2022, that the federal government had launched attacks against its armed forces in the southern Tigray areas. It further announced that the primary intention of the attacks by the federal government was to launch integrated attacks on the western front.

Some weeks ago a battle between the Ethiopian federal government-led forces and TPLF forces in areas near the town of Shire, such as Adiyabo, was reported.

In this context, a Twitter post was made sharing an image with a claim that the Ethiopian army has taken control of Shire city. The tweet was viral and was shared many times across the platform.

However, HaqCheck investigated the image and confirmed that the picture doesn’t support the claim. 

The image was published first by the Associated Press on 17 Nov 2020 for the first time. The news agency announced that the image was taken from an undated video released by the Ethiopian News Agency at the time.

Therefore, HaqCheck rated the Twitter post as False.

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