A Facebook page with over a hundred thousand followers shared a post on Oct 23, 2022,  with the caption “American flag being burned in the streets of Addis Ababa.”

However, HaqCheck examined the image and determined it to be False.

It is roughly two years since fighting broke out in northern Ethiopia, Tigray. Since then different gatherings and public demonstrations have taken place against foreign interference.

On Oct 22, 2022, public protests were held in different parts of Ethiopia including the Capital city, Addis Ababa. With the demonstration motto “I Will Stand With Ethiopia, I Will Raise My Voice”.

Thousands of Ethiopians demonstrated on Saturday throughout the country against what they claim is foreign meddling in domestic matters.

While protesters blamed the U.S. for disregarding Ethiopia’s sovereignty, others singled out the fleeing leaders of Tigray.


In an effort to find the original image, HaqCheck found it first posted on the Skynews website with a news headline of “Haitians burn flags in anti-government demo.

A 36 seconds-long video of people setting fire to the flag was shared under the news on Feb 16, 2019.

For this reason, HaqCheck inspected the post and rendered it False.

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